Using Business Units

Business Units allow you to label various documents and other items through Vendorful with helpful tags that distinguish their relevance to different parts of your organization. One example of this involves using them to label contracts that might be specifically relevant to your Marketing or your Procurement team. Utilizing Business Unit labels allows you to easily organize these documents so your organization can quickly find the items relevant to them as well as selectively gate access to them. Business unit information currently can be applied to contracts, vendors, and RFX. 

Configuring Business Units

Setting up Business Units for your organization is quite simple. Let's take a look. 

From your Organization's page (found in the user menu in the upper right corner > My Organization) select the Business Unit tab. This will show you a list of your current Business Units if you have any set up. 

Creating a Business Unit

Creating a new Business Unit is as simple as clicking the "Create New Business Unit" button. This will bring up a modal window with a few options. 

Name (required) - This is how the label will be seen when applied to items throughout Vendorful. 

Description - This field allows for more descriptive text to help describe what this label is used for. This text will only be seen on the Business Unit management page.

Enabled - You can use this checkbox to toggle whether the label appears when selecting Business Units. This can be useful for maintaining labels which are currently not needed, but might be reactivated later. 

Using Business Unit Labels

In areas of Vendorful in which Business Units may be used you will find a Business Unit label followed by any Business Units your organization has added and enabled. 

To add a Business Unit click the green plus next to the one you would like to add. It will then be shown in a teal bubble as "Development" is in this example. To remove the label click the white "x" in the teal bubble.

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